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- Adventure together with thousands of other players in an enormous, persistent game world
- Create and customize your own hero from the unique races and classes of the excellent Warcraft universe
- Explore an expansive world with miles of forests, deserts, snow--blown mountains, and other exotic lands
- Visit huge cities and delve through dozens of vast dungeons
- Enjoy hundreds of hours of gameplay with new quests, items, and adventures every month
- Platform: PC
- Compatibility: All Regions
- Genre: Speculative Fiction, Societal, Virtual World, Narrative, Fantasy, Entertainment, Action & Adventure
- PEGI Rating: 12+
- Publisher: Blizzard
- Mode: Multiplayer
- Release Year: 2004
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- Adventure together with thousands of other players in an enormous, persistent game world
- Create and customize your own hero from the unique races and classes of the excellent Warcraft universe
- Explore an expansive world with miles of forests, deserts, snow--blown mountains, and other exotic lands
- Visit huge cities and delve through dozens of vast dungeons
- Enjoy hundreds of hours of gameplay with new quests, items, and adventures every month
- Platform: PC
- Compatibility: All Regions
- Genre: Speculative Fiction, Societal, Virtual World, Narrative, Fantasy, Entertainment, Action & Adventure
- PEGI Rating: 12+
- Publisher: Blizzard
- Mode: Multiplayer
- Release Year: 2004
Our site supports SSL. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser.
This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.
SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites for the protection of their online transactions with their customers.
If you are a gamer and haven't played World of Warcraft then you must give it a go. It is one of the most fascinating and engrossing experiences you will have in a game. The world is immense and varied. The classes all offer unique and interesting play styles. The depth of the game mechanics takes months of play to realize its full potential
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