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At the end of "Terminator 2: Judgment Day," Sarah Connor vanquished the Terminator sent from the future to kill her 15-year-old son, John. Sarah and John now find themselves alone in a very dangerous, complicated world. Fugitives from the law, are confronted with the reality that still more enemies from the future and the present could attack at any moment. Sarah stops running and goes on the offensive against an ever-evolving technological enemy bent on destroying her life -- and perhaps the world.
John knows that he may be the future savior of mankind, but he is not yet ready to take on the mantle of leadership that he's told is his destiny. "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" represents an exciting reinvention of the Terminator franchise, in which the strong and intrepid Sarah discovers that protecting her son and stopping the rise of the machines is more difficult than she had ever imagined.
- Compatibility: Region 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland
- Language: English
- Genre: Action & Adventure, Cyberpunk
- Age Rating: 15+
- Release Year: 2008
- Studio: Warner Bros
- Creator: Josh Friedman
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At the end of "Terminator 2: Judgment Day," Sarah Connor vanquished the Terminator sent from the future to kill her 15-year-old son, John. Sarah and John now find themselves alone in a very dangerous, complicated world. Fugitives from the law, are confronted with the reality that still more enemies from the future and the present could attack at any moment. Sarah stops running and goes on the offensive against an ever-evolving technological enemy bent on destroying her life -- and perhaps the world.
John knows that he may be the future savior of mankind, but he is not yet ready to take on the mantle of leadership that he's told is his destiny. "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" represents an exciting reinvention of the Terminator franchise, in which the strong and intrepid Sarah discovers that protecting her son and stopping the rise of the machines is more difficult than she had ever imagined.
- Compatibility: Region 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland
- Language: English
- Genre: Action & Adventure, Cyberpunk
- Age Rating: 15+
- Release Year: 2008
- Studio: Warner Bros
- Creator: Josh Friedman
Our site supports SSL. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser.
This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.
SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites for the protection of their online transactions with their customers.
These stories are just plain enjoyable. It gives an in-depth look at the lives of Sarah and John Conner. I really enjoyed the addition of "Cameron", John's terminator protector. The inclusion of John's uncle is a very enjoyable surprise to the plot as well. I enjoy everything, Terminator.
All of the actors in this series seemed to really play well off of each other. I will say that this series is a slight departure from the theme of the movies, but I feel that this is why the stories are so enjoyable. My only regret is that there were not more of them made. I am a lifelong die-hard science fiction fanatic. I rank these in my top 5 of my all-time favorites. My husband agrees as well.
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